Mixed - Integer Evolution Strategies for ParameterOptimization and Their Appli ations to Medi alImage
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Traffic Sensitve Active Queue Management for Improved Multimedia Streaming
ABSTRACT The Internet, whi h has traditionally supported throughputsensitive appli ations su h as email and le transfer, is inreasingly supporting delay-sensitive multimedia appli ations su h as intera tive audio. These delay-sensitive appli ations would often rather sa ri e some throughput for lower delay. Unfortunately, the urrent Internet does not o er hoi es in the amount of delay or throug...
متن کاملOptimizing Compilers for Embedded Appli ations
In reasingly, general-purpose pro essors are used for embedded appli ations rather than ustomised hardware. As pro essor ost drops, it be omes more attra tive to use one pro essor for several appli ations rather than designing spe i hardware. Multimedia based appli ations are typi al of the growing uses of embedded systems, requiring ost-e e tive implementation and high performan e. Very Long I...
متن کاملHow Fast is ‘-fast’? Performance Analysis of KDD Applications using Hardware Performance Counters on UltraSPARC-III
ABSTRACT Modern pro essors and omputer systems are designed to be eÆ ient and a hieve high performan e with appli ations that have regular memory a ess patterns. For example, dense linear algebra routines an be implemented to a hieve near peak performan e. While su h routines have traditionally formed the ore of many s ienti and engineering appli ations, ommer ial workloads like database and we...
متن کاملA Hierar hi al Component Model for Large Parallel Intera tive Appli ations
Abstra t. This paper fo uses on parallel intera tive appli ations ranging from s ienti visualization, to virtual reality or omputational steering. Intera tivity makes them parti ular on three main aspe ts: they are endlessly iterative, use advan ed I/O devi es, and must perform under strong performan e onstraints (laten y, refresh rate). A data ow graph is a ommon approa h to des ribe su h appl...
متن کاملModel-driven QoS Provisioning for Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems
Real-time and Embedded Systems JAIGANESH BALASUBRAMANIAN, SUMANT TAMBE, ANIRUDDHA GOKHALE, DOUGLAS C. SCHMIDT Department of EECS, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA and BALAKRISHNAN DASARATHY, SHRIRANG GADGIL Tel ordia Te hnologies, Pis ataway, NJ, USA Distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) systems onsist of performan e-sensitive appli ations that are deployed in resour eonstrained environ...
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